Today the Catalans were celebrating the Dia de Cataluna so everyone was off work/school and the streets were packed with parades and Cataluna flags everywhere. With the extra weekend day we decided to go to Sitges - a village/city about an hour south of Barcelona. Ridiculously blue water, cosy streets, iglesias and probably the most beautiful train ride ever on the way back. It went right along the coast, through a couple of mountains. Definitely going back there!
About the rest of the weekend: on Friday we went to an language exchange event at a bar right next to where we live. Everyone gets a flag sticker to put on their shirts when they enter, with every language they speak/want to speak, and then you just mingle around and find people who speak the language you want to learn. Such a fun event and good way to learn.
On Saturday we had brunch at one of Filippas friend´s terrace. Until 7pm... Still getting used to this lifestyle which is slightly delayed from my natural day cycle.
Then we had typical Swedish taco night and pregamed at our place before going to La Fira - a club with almost only reggaeton. Happy Linn:))
On Sunday we played a futsal tournament. Will tell you about that in the next post